Bienvenidos a la Página Web Oficial del artista urbano JD “Analitico”. Versátil, Dinámico y Apasionado por la Música, Analitico esta aquí para quedarse. Aquí encontraras un poquito de todo lo relacionado a su carrera y mucho más. Desde sus primeras canciones como “Pum Pum” y “Dame Una Oportunidad”, hasta sus mas recientes como “Quiero Bailar”, “Me Gusta” y “Te Confieso”, todas partes de su mas reciente album titulado “Directo A Tu Corazón“, Analitico brinda a todos sus oyentes y fiel seguidores toda su pasión y energía positiva en cada canción.
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How to Carnival
There’s always something to learn from every situation. Learn from your mistakes, keep pushing forward and always remember to cherish the moments we’re given on this earth.
Not So Scary
A night he will never forget! Great experiences and great moments lead up to a great life!
A Dream Come True
Dreams do come true and goals are achievable as long as you follow through, execute and are disciplined about what you need to do each and every day.
Las Terrenas
Dominican Republic is a beautiful country and not only did I get the opportunity to visit this beautiful town and all that it has to offer, but I also had the wonderful opportunity to reconnect with my music partners.
A Magical Day!
Good and bad experiences are a fact of life and it’s up to us to decide wether we learn and grow from those experiences or continue to complaint and do nothing about the situation.
It won’t be easy and you will face tremendous opposition in all directions but it will all be worth while once it’s all said and done. Leave a Legacy!
Cherish The Moment
The journey can be short or it can be long but at the end the day the moments in between is what makes everything fun.
Feel The Pain & Keep Going
Your body and mind will make the necessary adjustments as you command more and more. You just have to push it every single day!
Your Time Will Come
Great achievements don’t happen over night, they actually take place in the daily activities that you do every single day.
We All Have Time
We all have the same 24 hours in a day to be productive or to complain about why things are not going our way.
What are You Waiting For!
Life is very short. We may think we have a lot of time on our hands, especially when we’re young, but in reality we do not know when our time will end.
Make A Decision!
Sometimes we want to do so many things that we end up not being able to achieve any success in anything, simply because we don’t really commit to any one idea in particular.
How to Deal with Change
The ability to quickly adapt to the many changes that take place day in and day out is a skill that you must possess if you wish to become successful.
Increase Your Output!
I’ve learned through experience that in order to get to the next level, regardless of what industry you may be in, you must increase your levels of activity.
Invest in You!
The most important investment you can ever make is the investment you make on yourself.
Don’t Neglect This!
One of the most important pillars of personal growth, becoming successful and reaching your fullest potential is the ability to stay healthy.
I Love This Game!
From the very first time I picked up a basketball when I was a kid I fell in love with this game.
Who’s Holding You Accountable?
Write your goals down and share them with someone else and see how faster you can achieve them.
Are You Where You Want To Be?
Stop navigating your life in autopilot. It all comes down to you making a decision, committing yourself and never looking back!
Think BIG
#AnaliticoDaily 10 It’s easy to set attainable goals, but if you really want to leave a mark, if you want to be impactful, if you want to be legendary, man you have to Think BIG! Sometimes we aim so low and hit our mark that we never find ourselves being able to set higher goals. […]
Do More Than Required
#AnaliticoDaily 9 Everyone wants more but they don’t want to do more. Barely doing what’s required of you will not cut it. If you want to live a life beyond your wildest dreams, put in the extra work and the results will follow.
Goals or The Snooze Button
Goals or the snooze button. One of the biggest daily decisions we’ll ever face. Do we rise up immediately and met the challenges of the day, or do we just stay a little longer tucked in our beds.
Everyday Put in The Work
Everyday you have to put in the work and expect that one day you will get there.
When the going gets tough and your goals seem untouchable, perseverance and a strong mindset will get you to where you truly want to be.
2018 Resolutions
Traditionally people wait until the end of year as it gives them an opportunity to begin with a clean slate but if you really want drastic and positive changes in your life, you should do it in the moment no matter what time of year it is.
Uncertain Times (How to Deal)
We’re living in an unprecedented time where people are afraid and uncertainty is at an all time high. Despite that, each and everyday we all have a choice to make.
Clarity & Purpose
Taking five minutes to yourself and reassessing your current situation can help you find clarity & purpose to pursue the the things that really matter to you and not spend any precious energy on the things that don’t.
No Excuses!
We all have problems and situations that come up and difference between winning or loosing is the willingness to look at every problem and situation as an opportunity to grow, learn and become better.
Just Take Action
By keeping a nice clean and organized area you will feel more inclined to put in the work in particular on the days when you may not feel like it.
The Key To Any Success is To Start
“We all have a journey, #AnaliticoDaily is mine. I aspire to inspire by living a happy rich life and sharing as much value to others as I can. Leave a Legacy or be forgotten!” #StriveForGreatness #AnaliticoDaily
Get Out, Travel, Explore!
I’ve been blessed to have been able to travel since an early age which inevitably opened up my mind and subsequently brought about new opportunities.
Why Do You Do What You Do?
It is so important to dream, specially when you’re young, because dreaming and the aspirations you have of what you want to be become in the future is what drives all the actions you take day in and day out.

Powerful (Lyrics)
Yeay Yeay Yeay Analitico, Yeay Yeay Yeay, Camfino Este flow que yo tengo esta bien powerful, Este flow que yo tengo esta super cabron, Este flow que yo tengo esta bien powerful, Este flow que yo tengo esta super cabron, oye, me voy a quedar con to Oye mi hermano este flow que yo tengo […]

Me Gusta (Lyrics)
Yeah, Analitico! Haha! Me gusta como tu mueves tu cuerpo, Pegadito! Me gusta como tu mueves tu cuerpo, Pegadito! Me gusta como tu mueves tu cuerpo, aha! Esta noche ma tú y yo vamos a hacerlo, aha! no andes de prisa disfrutate de el momento, yeah! Yeaaaa, Analitico, Aha! Yes Sir, Me gusta como tu […]

How I Started Making Music
For as long as I can remember music has always been a part of my life. In latin culture you basically grow up listening to music as it is an intricate part of everyday life. From birthdays to christenings, holidays and everything else in between, there’s always a reason to play good music, dance and […]

To date the Singer/Songwriter has released five (5) singles along with one (1) studio album. He’s currently working on his second studio album which he plans to release in 2020. Pégate a mi – Single Dame Una Oportunidad – Single Pum Pum – Single Obsesionado – Single La Maliciosa – Single Directo A Tu Corazón […]