“The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.”
When the going gets tough and your goals seem untouchable, perseverance and a strong mindset will get you to where you truly want to be. If you’re going through a slump right now, persevere, things will get better sooner than you think!
Statistics show that people who make new years resolutions usually break them within 15 days. The reality is that you don’t have to wait until the end of the year to re-organize yourself and your thoughts and really figure out what it is that you want out of life. You can do this anytime during the year and the sooner you do the better. Traditionally people wait until the end of year as it gives them an opportunity to begin with a clean slate but if you really want drastic and positive changes in your life, you should do it in the moment no matter what time of year it is.
The best time to act is when the idea is fresh and the emotion is high. It’s been a week already in 2018, don’t you dare quit. Don’t become a statistic! Prove everybody wrong!
It’s a good idea to once in a while take 5 minutes to yourself, away from any distractions, so that you can asses and figure out what it is that really makes you happy. Taking five minutes to yourself and reassessing your current situation can help you find clarity & purpose to pursue the the things that really matter to you and not spend any precious energy on the things that don’t. If you’re not where you want to be just know that all it takes is for you to make the decision to change!
The difference between those who win and those who don’t it’s simply and excuse. I can understand that sometimes life can get pretty hectic but when you’re truly focused on what it is that you’re trying to achieve there’s really no excuses. We all have problems and situations that come up and difference between winning or loosing is the willingness to look at every problem and situation as an opportunity to grow, learn and become better. There’s no excuses for winners! Put in the work! Get it done!!
On this episode I took the time to re-organize my home studio to eliminate some of the clutter that had builded up over the 2017 year. It is always a good idea to keep your work area as clean and organized as possible so that you may feel inspired and motivated to work on your passion. Nobody wants to work in a messy environment.
By keeping a nice clean and organized area you will feel more inclined to put in the work in particular on the days when you may not feel like it. If you wish to become successful, Organization is key!
The key to anything that you aspire or dream to be is to begin. Have the courage to give yourself a chance and pursue your goals. You will face tremendous opposition, in particular from your loved ones, but in the end it will all be worthwhile. Don’t wait so you don’t regret because the opportunities are now for your taking.
“We all have a journey, #AnaliticoDaily is mine. I aspire to inspire by living a happy rich life and sharing as much value to others as I can. Leave a Legacy or be forgotten!” #StriveForGreatness #AnaliticoDaily
As we get older life sometimes makes us forget about the dreams we once had when we were young. It’s so important to have dreams, goals & aspirations and never let go of them! They are the fuel that drive the actions we take every single day. “If You’re Going to Dream, Might as well Dream BIG! #JDAnaliticoMus
It is so important to dream, specially when you’re young, because dreaming and the aspirations you have of what you want to be become in the future is what drives all the actions you take day in and day out.
You have to be able to dream! Dreaming is what drives everything. If you ask any kid what they want to be when they grow up they may say I want to be a fireman, a policeman, a pilot, an engineer, a baseball player and so on. They’re all going to have something to say because they are so full of dreams, goals and aspirations and of the things that they one day want to achieve when they grow up.
Growing up I never really had the opportunity to do the things that I am now able to do for my kids, such as the ability to do fundraisers to try and attend various tournaments known for their excellence and ability to provide them with not only an amazing experience but an unforgettable moment. I am truly blessed and grateful to be able to help them in some way and contribute to their future dreams!
The important thing to remember, which is the essential message of this piece, is that the clearer you are about what it is that you’re trying to achieve in life, regardless of what that may me, the easier it becomes to achieve it. When you’re decisive about what you’re trying to do, things tend to naturally work in your favor. The people that are going to help you in your journey naturally gravitate towards you and the rest fall out. When you’re decisive about your dreams people take you serious and become very willing to help you because they want to see you succeed.