Everyone wants more but they don’t want to do more. Barely doing what’s required of you will not cut it. If you want to live a life beyond your wildest dreams, put in the extra work and the results will follow.
Goals or the snooze button. One of the biggest daily decisions we’ll ever face. Do we rise up immediately and met the challenges of the day, or do we just stay a little longer tucked in our beds. I believe that if you’re truly committed the decision will be obvious.
Being active and going to the gym is something that has become second nature to me and one of the many lessons that I’ve learn from going to the gym is discipline. When you’re discipline about what needs to be done, based on your goals and dreams, you accomplish a whole lot more throughout the day and in your life.
It’s easy to say someone it’s lucky when you see them succeed not knowing the countless hours and all the sacrifices made to perfect their craft to get them to where they are today. Everyday you have to put in the work and expect that one day you will get there. #StriveForGreatness!
“The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.”
When the going gets tough and your goals seem untouchable, perseverance and a strong mindset will get you to where you truly want to be. If you’re going through a slump right now, persevere, things will get better sooner than you think!
Statistics show that people who make new years resolutions usually break them within 15 days. The reality is that you don’t have to wait until the end of the year to re-organize yourself and your thoughts and really figure out what it is that you want out of life. You can do this anytime during the year and the sooner you do the better. Traditionally people wait until the end of year as it gives them an opportunity to begin with a clean slate but if you really want drastic and positive changes in your life, you should do it in the moment no matter what time of year it is.
The best time to act is when the idea is fresh and the emotion is high. It’s been a week already in 2018, don’t you dare quit. Don’t become a statistic! Prove everybody wrong!
The key to anything that you aspire or dream to be is to begin. Have the courage to give yourself a chance and pursue your goals. You will face tremendous opposition, in particular from your loved ones, but in the end it will all be worthwhile. Don’t wait so you don’t regret because the opportunities are now for your taking.
“We all have a journey, #AnaliticoDaily is mine. I aspire to inspire by living a happy rich life and sharing as much value to others as I can. Leave a Legacy or be forgotten!” #StriveForGreatness #AnaliticoDaily